The real American dream
Sure. It's bad, but you've got to have a plan, right? Everybody does, and everyone's plan is a scheme for how they are going to beat the system.
View ArticleUSA a third world country
Get used to it. The downward slide has begun. The solution? Radical social and economic change to effect social and economic democracy. To to barricades, comrades! Don't freak out. Having the epiphany...
View ArticleThey can't even count!
Do you frequently get the feeling that someone talking on TV or radio is not really the pundit or sage news analyst they purport to be, but a complete moron instead? Watching coverage of the State of...
View ArticleMubarak must go!
...and he will, by next Saturday, no less. I said that this last Saturday, giving the president of Egypt no more than a week. I'm sticking to that prediction.
View ArticleWalk like an Egyptian!
Mubarak's gone and I am up ten bucks. Those who doubted my laser-like insight into world affairs are now awestruck and humbled. My supporters rejoice and laud my prescience. My detractors are cowed,...
View ArticleQaddafi next dictator to go?
How could I have missed this? We have to do the poll again, but this time it will contain the man who is now the most likely candidate. I hope this posts before he's gone.
View ArticleMay I have my health care now?
Osama bin Laden's dead. Is it OK to focus on something else now, like maybe something I care about? I'm obsessed with health care and I think temp body shops should be outlawed. The issues are closely...
View ArticleMoveOn American Dream meeting
I was expecting paeans about unicorns and baby animals playing in meadows full of wildflowers, but it was nothing of the sort. These folks have got their act together. They are doing their homework to...
View ArticleWhere's Muammar? (Desperately seeking Qaddhaafiy)
Mainly, it's more than you want to know about the Arabic language. I'd best hurry with this before they catch him and no one cares even as little as they do now about this stuff. It may come in handy,...
View ArticleYou see, it's like this...
Explaining things to people who don't know what you're talking about isn't easy, but it can be done. We can generalize about political advocacy directed at the masses by analyzing how to transmit other...
View ArticleMy September 11, 2001
Everyone remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the airplanes crashing into buildings. Those details, however mundane, are forever burned into one's...
View ArticleStop referring to Republicans as "GOP"!
The term Grand Old Party (GOP) is an affectionate moniker for the Republican Party that was originated by supporters of that party around 1874. It is not appropriate to use that nickname unless you...
View ArticleA 16:9 man in a still 4:3 world
Are you as tired of munchkin TV as I am? How people watch their spiffy new widescreen TVs is an indicator not only of how savvy they are technically, but an indicator of intellectual development and...
View ArticlePuerto Rico statehood, or independence?
Why does this matter? Isn't everything just fine in Puerto Rico just the way it is? No. Puerto Ricans want change. They're just not sure what form it should take.
View ArticleBan American football?
The question of whether or not to ban this senseless, brutal sport should be a no-brainer, but it's not. The economics and social dynamics that cause this to even be an issue reveal a lot about our...
View ArticleChristie revelations' deeper meaning: He's a pirate!
Chris Christie is a bully, a thug, a crook and a shameless opportunist. We all know that now. What is significant is that ordinary people outside New Jersey finally get what New Jersey people have been...
View ArticleISIL, the new conquistadores, or Kurds and a way out
It's all connected. If you calm down and look at history, it makes more sense.
View ArticleSpeaker McCarthy would be #2, not #3
Having an inarticulate buffoon as Speaker of the House of Representatives would be bad enough, but referring to that office as "third in the line of succession to the president" diminishes the gravity,...
View ArticleWhy Sanders bested Clinton in debate
After watching the contenders for the Democratic Party's nomination for the office of President last Tuesday, I was convinced that the consensus would be that Bernie had won it. It was clear that...
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